Online Father Heart School November 16-20, 2020
We are delighted to announce a virtual school in Nov 2020; an opportunity to experience more of the love of the Father from the comfort of your own home!
Teaching, worship, Q&A sessions and prayer ministry.
The school will take place Nov16-20
All are welcome
Cost £25
We hope very much that you'll be able to join us for this exciting new venture!
Whether this will be your first experience of a school or you’re simply coming back for more you are most welcome!
For more information and to register please visit: encounteringthefatherslove.org
Looking forward to seeing you!
David & Faith Dalley and the Bath EFL Team
Developments during 2020
After being in Basel for the last week of January, our Spring School in the City of Bath came to a sudden halt on Tuesday. 17th March. Since then, like a lot of people in the world, we have learned how to connect virtually with our friends and church in a way we didn’t expect. Last November, Faith began to express her longing for an extended break from Ministry since we have been travelling around the world for 25 years without a sabbatical. I was slightly reluctant because we had a stream of invitations for 2020 and had already booked a fairly full year of travel. All these plans have step by step been cancelled, and we have enjoyed doing lots of work around our house and garden which had been put on hold due to busyness of ministry.
Throughout this unprecedented period we have listened to many prophetic voices from around the world who are highlighting the radical changes God is orchestrating both in the world and the church which will herald massive revival. The call for the church to rise up and step into its God ordained role of being seated with Jesus in the place of highest authority in heaven and thereby affecting what happens on the earth is stronger than ever. We remember vividly listening in 2019 to our friend and prophetess, Arleen Westerhof from Amsterdam, saying “we are coming into a new season, and the new means new, it means we haven’t been this way before”. For us right now the reset of the church is of paramount importance. What should it look like, how should it meet, what new values will it carry, and how will it connect with society in a radically different way ?
We have had one or two experiments with virtual sessions both here in Bath and in Sweden with Matilda, all done from home. It is strange, different , more difficult to get used to lack of personal contact and especially hugging. However, the Holy Spirit is very smart and powerful. In each case we have had such positive feedback that confirms the restrictions are not a problem for Him.
So we are tentatively stepping forward into this new season by arranging a Virtual Encountering the Father’s Love School from the 16th - 20th November , in which we will have 2 teaching sessions each morning followed by an interactive session leading to break out rooms for prayer ministry.. The joy is you can register for this school and attend it without leaving the comfort of your home wherever you are in the world.
If you would like to join in, then go to www.encounteringthefatherslove.org and register. You will then be contacted by Jean Freeborn who administrates the school. Looking forward to seeing many of you !!
Basel, Switzerland, January 26th to February 2nd
What an amazing week in Basel with Roland & Mark leading the team. We noticed from the 1st session that people were very open and sensitive, and began to respond to the love of the Father. This continued during the week with real openness to deal with issues of the heart. The testimonies on Friday both spoken out publicly and privately were just amazing. We are so thankful to God for His presence and intervention. Another outstanding characteristic of the week was the way that several of the Swiss team took various sessions. We loved observing their growth & confidence in the things God had done within them.
EFL Bath, UK - November 18th to 22nd, 2019
Feeling rather tired after a busy Autumn, we were delighted to see lots of people sign up for our week at Holy Trinity Church. Again the presence of God was strong and infectious in drawing us into a place of vulnerability which leads to healing of many things. We are so honoured to have such a great team of friends who minister with such compassion and love. This creates an atmosphere of safety and vulnerability which is an open invitation to the Holy Spirit to be able to bring deep healing into so many hearts. We feel so encouraged as we reflect on all God has done this year, way beyond our expectation.
LEG, Amsterdam, Netherlands - November 11th to 15th, 2019
Another first time visit to a church near Schiphol Airport, Amsterdam. We were delighted to see a group of around 70 people signed up for the week. Their responsiveness was off the charts, and we had so much fun with them and the interpreters who were excellent. They responded with a rare honesty about what stuff was bothering them and for many received a new level of personal freedom. The testimonies were so moving and powerful. So interesting for us to see the Father doing a lot of stuff in what seemed a shorter time than ever.
LEG Church Netherlands Some of the team
La Gacilly, France - October 8th to 12th, 2019
This was our second school with our friends Alain & Cecile Sauvager who live in southern Brittany. We had such a good time, with Tim & Judith Clarke leading worship in French. Awesome, and the laughter and joy that infected the whole week. There was breakthrough for many of the students who came from a wide area of France..
Gothenburg, Sweden - September 23rd to 26th, 2019
Our first visit to this famous Volvo City to speak at the first mission school that is led by Mathilda Loof. We had the joy of being with a bunch of students who valued the Presence of God so much that time was not in control anymore. They were learning to linger in the Presence and encounter His love again and again.. They were a delight to be with for the three days, and clearly had testimony of what the Father was doing.
Praying at Sweden School of Missions
Catch the Fire SOM, Toronto - September 9th to 13th, 2019
What a joy to be at Catch the Fire again. We so love spending a week with the students who seem to be ready to drink heavily of the Father's Love. We had a great week with such tender but powerful responses to the revelation of being loved by the best Dad ever.
Plans for the rest of 2018
We have plans to visit:
YWAM Amsterdam & a church in Beilen mid - October
Rennes, France at the beginning of November
EFL Bath mid - November
YWAM Liverpool, UK end of November
Uzhgorod, Ukraine Aug/Sept 2018
Travelling via Netherlands & Hungary, we arrived in Uzhgorod fairly late in the evening to a lovely welcome by many of our long standing friends. The church we visited has been on a journey from believing all the right things to actually encountering the big Dad. It was refreshing to be there and to see all the people who had experienced real changes previously plus a whole new group of recent converts who were learning to drink His love in a new way. Delightful, too, to celebrate with Lena her engagement to Clinton even though we can’t make the wedding on the 29th Sept. Lena came to our 4 week Eagles Wings School some years ago and she has gathered some friends who together are pursuing more inner healing and more encounter with Him. Such a blessing to be with !! Our friends from Amsterdam, Helen & Jeroen accompanied us and many of the men particularly were impacted by Jeroen’s testimony of his journey from being quite locked up in his heart to a new place of growing freedom to be who he is in Christ.
lena with her fiancee Clinton