Uzhgorod, Ukraine Aug/Sept 2018
Travelling via Netherlands & Hungary, we arrived in Uzhgorod fairly late in the evening to a lovely welcome by many of our long standing friends. The church we visited has been on a journey from believing all the right things to actually encountering the big Dad. It was refreshing to be there and to see all the people who had experienced real changes previously plus a whole new group of recent converts who were learning to drink His love in a new way. Delightful, too, to celebrate with Lena her engagement to Clinton even though we can’t make the wedding on the 29th Sept. Lena came to our 4 week Eagles Wings School some years ago and she has gathered some friends who together are pursuing more inner healing and more encounter with Him. Such a blessing to be with !! Our friends from Amsterdam, Helen & Jeroen accompanied us and many of the men particularly were impacted by Jeroen’s testimony of his journey from being quite locked up in his heart to a new place of growing freedom to be who he is in Christ.
lena with her fiancee Clinton