We have been radically changed by getting to know the Father more and more and have a passion to see others encounter him in this way too.
Our Story.
With (most of) our family at our home in Bath, UK.
We were both 'pastor's kids', with a strong evangelical and Word based background. We've been married since 1967 with 3 grown up children and 5 grandchildren. We have a passion for God and a love for young people with whom we have worked for most of our lives.
Whilst David taught Mathematics at a Secondary school, we set up and ran a Christian bookshop and pioneered a church for 7 years before moving to the city of Bath. There we co-pastored a church which was massively affected by the outpouring of the Father's blessing that began in Toronto in January 1994.
In Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
Snow-shoeing in Waskaganish, Canada
Desperate to really know this Father more, we attended the first month-long Leaders School at Catch The Fire in August 1999 and the first Father Heart School at Catch The Fire in January 2002 which changed our whole perspective of God and our relationship with Him. For the last 15 years we have been responding to a specific call from the Father to go to the nations with this message, spending most of our time visiting churches and building ongoing relationships across Russia (including 2 Father Loves You Conferences with John and Carol Arnott in Moscow and an International Leaders School in the Far East of Russia), Philippines, Uganda/Rwanda, eastern Europe including Ukraine, Bulgaria, Hungary and Latvia, and now India, Sri Lanka and central America. We have taught at Catch The Fire and taught the Father's Love week at the School of Ministry many times.
David's humorous style of teaching combined with an anointing of the Holy Spirit and many personal examples, make it easy to receive the message. They believe in giving time for the Holy Spirit to work so almost every session will involve corporate prayer or personal impartation or soaking in a relaxed atmosphere.