and why we do it
We are convinced that everyone has a fundamental need of a heart revelation of their heavenly Father as Abba (Daddy). Instead of accumulating facts about God we need an experiential encounter with Him which will change how we relate to Him.
Our Passion
Our passion is to see pastors and leaders and young people encounter the Father which transforms them forever; to help them find healing from past wounding so that they can minister from greater purity to their own people this Father's love; to inspire others to receive revelation of the Father and take it to the ends of the earth.
We asked a few people from the schools " What has the Father done in your heart during the week?" and this is what they said.....
“I realised during the week that my heart was actually closed to my own Father and to God. Thanks to the teaching and prayer I now feel that its open again!”
“What hasn’t He done!? My heart feels lighter and the ‘junk’ is gone. Before coming I felt hurt and depressed and now I feel so different.”
“Wow! it’s been an amazing week! there’s been a lot of healing in my heart and forgiveness for my dad and it feels great. I really feel released from burdens and hurts and so much more free. I have such a joy in my heart now after praying for the spirit of sonship. It felt so good to shout, ‘Daddy!’”
“The teaching really stirred me in who I am. I’ve always strived to be better and better and never felt content with where I was, but God showed me that I am perfect exactly the way I am and that he doesn’t have a list of requirements that I have to fulfill before I get his approval. He’s so amazing!”
“Whenever something was spoken about the father or mother heart of God I didn’t think it was a big deal for me but I really got hit with dealing with forgiving myself. I realised I blamed myself for things and during the week I was able to deal with that. I was so exciting for me to know in my heart that God is my Daddy.”
“This week was good, very good! God has been challenging me to be more real with him and to come to him as a child, without any religiousness or distance that I usually tend to do. Being brought up in the church I’ve learned to come to the Father in a certain way but here I have learned to come to Daddy without distancing myself and finally have been able to accept the grace he has placed over my life.”