Toronto, Canada June/July 2018
Faith spent a month there, visiting our daughter and son-in-law and their 3 girls, the latest arriving during her visit. After I arrived there was connecting time where I was more or less dragged immediately to the new trampoline where after getting up very early and a flight of 8 hrs did not satisfy the granddaughter as an excuse for not jumping high and lifting my legs !!
We also had the joy of contributing to the CTF Leaders School. It was amazing to see the responses of so many who had been serving God for many years actually have encounters with Him for the first time. The main problem with our culture of Western Intellectualism is that it devalues encounter and substitutes study, thinking & head knowledge as the way to know God. When, in fact, the true knowledge of God is heart encounter that goes way beyond what our minds can imagine. Ephesians 3 v 17-19 is emphatic in declaring that we need power from heaven to even grasp the bigness of God’s love, and finishes with “and to know this love which is beyond knowledge”. In other words God wants to take us to a place beyond anything our minds can conceive so that we can be filled with all the fulness of God. Yeah !!!
Lift your legs, Pop Pop !! Jump !!